I’m Hillary. I am a journalist based in the New York City area. My job as a travel writer has filtered into all areas of my life, whether I’m at home or on the road. I specialize in responsible, accessible adventure travel of all kinds – from eco-luxury to getting completely off the grid. My job is to ask questions and find stories worth telling.

Over the years, I’ve encountered many different ways of life in different cultures. When it comes to customs, traditions, beliefs, routines and anything to do with health, I’m open-minded enough to try it all. I love to collect remedies and recipes from the places I visit. There is a ton to learn out there.

I believe in bringing the best of travel home

I believe in bringing the best of travel home… whether it’s through stories, photographs, recipes, local products, new routines or anything else. That’s what my Life With Luggage is about, both in reality and online.

I hope this inspires you to add a little adventure into your life. Thanks for reading.